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“In the house of God there is never ending festival; the angel choir makes eternal holiday; the presence of God’s face gives joy that never fails.”

      • St. Augustine

As part of The Metropolitan Choir of Praise (MCOP), we have the opportunity to join in that never ending festival!  Standing side-by-side with fellow believers of all ages allows us to be a part of a choir that is also a compassionate family.  We bear each other’s burdens, celebrate each other’s victories, and work hard on gorgeous music that moves the human heart one step closer to God.

I love being a part of this choir family!  I have been a part of a couple of big choirs in the past that have made singing a chore, but MCOP is so much fun!  Don’t get me wrong, we do that work, but we do it with so much joy!  We are all working toward the same goal; giving God our very best!

      • Shannon Buys - Choir President

“There are choirs singing in your head.  If you listen, you will hear the music.  It is the song of angels.  Pay no attention to the sounds of the world.  They are just noises, and even when added up all together they have no value and make no sense.  Strain to hear the song of angels.  Listen to the melody within your soul.”

      • Naele Donald Walsch

November 22 Fall Concert at Princeton CRC

We thank our Ministry Partners for their financial support of this choral music ministry!

Our History

The Metropolitan Choir of Praise was organized in October, 1963, by Mr. Peter Vanden Bosch who envisioned a choir in the West Michigan area similar to the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in Salt Lake City, Utah who share a faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. Approximately 115 interested singers attended its first Saturday night rehearsal in the Bates Street Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Drawn from many vocations and professions and from various churches throughout the West Michigan area, we are committed to praising God together and greatly enjoy singing and sharing our ministry of music, featuring spirituals and classical, traditional, and contemporary styles. The choir has been blessed in bringing its musical ministry not only to Grand Rapids and the West Michigan area, but also to a number of states, near and far, -- Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New Jersey, Washington D.C., California and Washington. The Choir has also travelled to Ontario, Canada and has conducted two concert tours to the Netherlands.

In celebration of its 35th concert year, the Choir travelled to Eastern Europe where concerts were given in Hungary, Romania, and the Ukraine to many people just being freed from Soviet Communist rule. This concert tour made a lasting impression on the choir and will forever live as one of the highlights in our history.

Throughout its history the choir has performed at a number of venues including numerous churches, Meijer Gardens, convalescent homes, Grand Rapids Civic Auditorium, Mel Trotter mission, Pacific Gardens Mission(Chicago), Prince Conference Center (Calvin College), etc. Some of these performances were given to raise funds for missions and benefits such as Love, Inc.

Our Members… Past and Present